Sunday, March 27, 2016


Education is a basic human right. It is not any privilege and every child should have a chance to go to school. Education is a key to a better future, more job opportunities and improvement in life standards. The children who can go to school and educate themselves are often the ones who can make a huge development in their society. It is known that these children can live healthier lifestyle and take the lead on various issues of their countries.

Well educated youths (especially from developing countries) have a higher chance of getting out from poverty, because thanks to education, they can receive useful skills and knowledge about health, finances, relationships or literacy in general. The adults with good education are also most likely to have more stable families than the ones who barely went to school. Their children are suppossed to receive better healthcare and education.

Despite the improvement in the last years, there are still around 60 million children who don´t go to school. The worst situation is in Sub-Sahara Africa where you could find more than half of these mentioned children. According to statistics, around 25 million kids will never step inside any school nor classroom.

Apart from these big numbers, there is also another scary fact. It was proven that even though some children can finish at least a few years of school attendance, many of them lack basic knowledges, such as writing, reading or doing basic mathematics. According to statistics from 2011, there were around 250 million of these children even though 130 million children attended school on daily baisis. This is not only issue of poor and development world, but also of countries in Europe or America. There is lack of well skilled teachers and leaders who can not only prepare students for their exams, but who can also motivate pupils to study and get more knowledge.

Boys who have a chance to be educated and go to school are less likely to join streets or drugs gangs, fight with military group or fall for violence. Same applies for girls, who are less likely to be married early, they can take better care of their babies and they are less likely to fall for prostutition.

Everybody has the right to be educated. In some areas are many traditions and habits which prevent girls and women from getting the education and being literate. Early marriage is one of the biggest issue right now. It is known that women with basic education have more stable families with only a few children who are also less likely to die at low age. The women or girls can also search for jobs and fund education and healthcare for their children.

There are still many tasks and goals which should be achieved by 2030, such as reduce children out of school, reduce inequality and improve skills and knowledge of teachers.

More dates and information here